Muslim Americans still facing discrimination 20 years after 9/11 – CAIR Florida
Monday, 9 September 2024

Muslim Americans still facing discrimination 20 years after 9/11

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) – This upcoming Saturday marks 20 years since the September 11 attacks. The day symbolizes a turning point in modern history and changed life for every American.

But for Muslim-Americans, the attacks also marked a turning point in relations and even discrimination.

The Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations says about 500,000 Muslim Americans live in the state of Florida, and they say the best way to fight prejudice is through education and conversation.

“The Muslim community is apart of the American community. It’s not them and us. It’s we,” said Hiba Rahim with CAIR Florida.

She says post 9/11, Muslim-Americans were attacked and faced discrimination and bias.

“Mosques being attacked. We had students being bullied, we had people who were losing their jobs. Discrimination went up 500%,” said Rahim.

Rahim says we can mend relations and lower discrimination rates, and while it might take years it is possible to find more similarities with one another than differences.

“Find that local mosque, ask your neighbor, and get to know somebody personally. And just like in any area in life when you know somebody personally that creates the strongest bridges. And then you can really find the similarities between us,” she said.

There are a few mosques in Tallahassee including the Islamic Center of Tallahassee and Masjid Al-Nahl.

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