Tuesday marked the first day of a month-long fast for Muslims across the world.
Ramadan is the holiest month of the year for Muslims. They fast from sunrise to sunset, making it a time of reflection and community.
This year marks the second time Ramadan will be observed during the pandemic, which calls for some adjustments. Instead of breaking fast with festive meals and family, people may choose to observe the iftar differently.
As the sun rose Tuesday morning, Ahmed Khan and his family woke up for a pre-dawn meal called Suhoor, then went back to sleep.
“Obviously you’re going to feel hungry, you’re going to feel thirsty, but you are meant to understand that these are what make you human,” said Khan, Southwest Florida engagement coordinator with CAIR Florida. CAIR is the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
At sunset, fast is broken with dates, following the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad who would take a sip of water and indulge in his favorite fruit.
These traditions don’t just include food and prayer, but also charity.
But the freedom to live their faith means so much.
“We are your neighbor, we’re your fellow Americans,” Khan said. “We just happen to practice a different religion than you.”